Our mission



    We work in the name of training of world-recognized highly qualified mining engineers, masters, candidates and doctors of science, using spiritual and moral pedagogics.

    Our training gives to society high quality bachelors, experts, masters, candidates and doctors of science.


Our vision



    We are dynamically developing department with centenary history, schools of sciences and spiritual traditions, we aim at leadership among mining-educational departments of the world.

    At the core of our success are the advanced pedagogical technologies (lectures, laboratory researches, practices, trainings, master classes) with the knowledge of professional English, internships abroad, the invitation of foreign professors as native speakers and involvement of experts from mining branch for lecturing.


Our values



      Department staff have profound professional and pedagogical knowledge, responsibly and honestly treat their duties, qualitatively and timely carry out objectives. We strive to achieve the best results of graduate training - mining engineers!


Aspiration to be enhanced

    The department creates conditions for the development of each employee, his scientific growth and pedagogical skill, protection of candidate and doctoral dissertations, learning of foreign languages, training and retraining of lecturing art and pedagogical skill.


Unity of the department

    Team spirit, unity and solidarity! Only as a team we can achieve good results. Multifaceted experience and knowledge of each create the general potential of the department development.