Roman Dychkovskyi1, Iaroslav

Shavarskyi2, Pavlo Saik1, Volodymyr Falshtynskyi1, Vasyl Lozynskyi1, Andrii Pererva1

1Department of Mining Engineering and Education, Dnipro university of technology, 19 Yavornytskoho Ave., Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

 2JARAD Recycling Technology Sp. z o.o, ul. Wiejska 13, Smolnica,  44-153, Poland


Dnipro University of Technology

Textbook – 112 pages

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The issue of intensifying coal mining processes, while justifying appropriate technological support and integrating all aspects of the accompanying mining activities at mines with opportunities for future development, is addressed.
The parameters for concentrating mining operations in the pillar system for developing coal seams with paired lavas are substantiated by assessing stress within the mine field section. The regularities of force and deformation parameters on mechanized supports during the operation of paired benches have been established. Recommendations have been developed regarding optimal parameters for conducting mining operations and methods for managing the roof during the concentration of mining operations in the pillar system for developing a coal seam with paired lavas. The technical and economic efficiency of the proposed solutions is demonstrated using examples from mines in the Lviv-Volyn coal basin.
This publication targets a wide audience, including employees of research institutes and project organizations, engineering and technical staff at mining enterprises. It also provides valuable insights for educators, graduate students, masters, and undergraduates specializing in mining at higher education institutions.

Keywords: mine, longwall face, coal seam, rock mass, stress-strain state



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