Associate Professor at the Department of Mining Engineering and Education, PhD.

    During 1993 – 1997, he studied on a full-time course of Mining Faculty of State Mining Academy of Ukraine on specialty "Mining of mineral deposits". In 1997 he finished real scientific and research diploma with an excellent mark and was recommended to graduate courses by State Examination Board. Since July 1997 worked as a trainee-research on Mining Department. In 1997 – 2000, Volodymyr studied on graduate courses (scientific supervisor Oleh Kolololov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor). He worked as a junior research scientist in addition to other duties. In addition, he worked in Admission Committee during summer vacation. Since 2001, he started to work as a scientist, in addition to other duties – vice-dean of Mining Faculty on labor nurturing.

    In 2004, Volodymyr Medyanyk worked as an engineer of innovative department of scientific-and-research part of the National Mining University. Since 2005, he is an assistant of Mining Department and in addition to other duties as an engineer of innovative department of NMU. In October 2005, he defended candidate thesis.

    Since September 2006 Volodymyr working as an associate professor of Mining Department. A huge analysis of progressive innovative technologies of deposits extraction was held during execution of scientific-and research work. He also realized field-scale survey on deep anthracite mines and Western Donbass mines during participation in domestic-and-contract topics.

     Volodymyr Medyanyk giving lectures in "Mining Geotechnologies", "Mining Operations" and "Mining Production Design". Since 2007 he is a member of State Examination Board, maintains design and diploma projects.

    He is a fellowship of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young researchers (Statement #15/20-632 from 23rd of May 2007 of Ministry of Education and Science).

    Volodymyr Medyanyk won few grants by the Scientific-educational center program (SEC) "Geotechnical systems stability: processes, events, marks" with the assistance of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Civil Research Fund and Development of USA and National Mining University. He became a contestant of round table "Nedelya Gornyaka – 2009" using fund of CRDF, where represented Ukrainian delegation in Moscow State Mining University.

    Besides, he is a deputy of head of the department on tutorial. In addition, he is a deputy of scientific secretary of methodic committee on "Mining" direction, also as a deputy of scientific secretary of interdepartmental seminar on candidate and doctoral theses hearing of Academic Board D 08.08003.

    In addition, he is section №2 register Scientific Secretary "Underground Mining Technologies" during Annual International Conference "Forum Girnykiv".

    He has been assigned as a cooperator of scientific-methodic center "DTEK’s Department", "Coal Extraction and Benefication".

    In addition, he won a first price in contest "The Best Young Scientist of NMU – 2009" (technical direction).

    Volodymyr Medyanyk has been rewarded of "NMU Diploma of honor" in 2010 for distinguished service during specialist’s preparation and personal contribution in development and strengthening of University’s authority.

   In 2011 he has been delegated to Russia as a head of delegation, took part in International Forum «Problemy Nedropolzovaniya» (Topical Issues of Subsoil Usage), Saint Petersburg, and honored with merit button badge SPDGI.

   He also won a third place between associate professors of National Mining University. In addition got a diploma of winner between educational research workers following the results of Ranking – 2012.

   In 2013, he got appreciation prize from rector of NMU, Academician Gennadii Pivnyak, for reference book "Mining equipment of coal and shale mines". In addition, he got merit button badge and diploma "Award prize of the National Mining University in Educational and Science".

   The author of three tutorial, two of them have Ministry of Education and Science classification code and two monographs. Total amount of research works is 80, among them: ten patents on useful models and innovations.

Contacts: 19 Yavornytskoho Ave., building 4, room 58