Associate Professor at the Department of Mining Engineering and Education, PhD.

    He has been working at the department since 2014.

    After finished the Chervonohrad State Technical school of Mining Technologies and Economics (Chervonohrad, Lviv region), specialty "Maintenance and Repair of Mining Equipment and Electromechanical Automatic Devices" (2008) he was recommended for admission to the National Mining University, where he studied the specialty "Underground Mining of Mineral Resources" (2008 – 2011). During studying at the University P. Saik participated in contests, competitions and scientific student conferences in the NMU and abroad. After graduation, he received diploma of mining engineer with research activities.

     During 2011 – 2014 he studied on postgraduate courses at the Mining Department, took a part on the budget and contract themes performing researches that are related with the technology of borehole underground coal gasification (BUCG) for conditions of PJSC "DTEK Pavlohradvugillia" and PJSC "Donetsksteel – Metallurgical Plant". In July 2014, he received a certificate for knowledge the Polish language of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland.

     Currently Pavlo Saik teaching following subjects: "Mining Computer Graphics", "Computer Technology in Mining", "Simulation of Mining Processes", design project of the discipline "Technology of Underground Mineral". Besides, he takes an active role in the development of methodological support for discipline: "Mechanics of Materials and Rocks".

     Basic research is focused on the study of parameters of borehole underground coal gasification technology at contiguous thin and ultrathin coal seams gasification. In addition, he is involved in work on determining parameters of borehole underground coal gasification technologies.

Research profiles: ORCIDScopusWeb of ScienceResearchGate,

Google Scholar.

Contacts: 19 Yavornytskoho Ave., building 4, room 57

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