Dychkovsky    Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor.

     Roman Dychkovskyi had finished Faculty of Mining at the National Mining University in Dnipropetrovsk, specialization: "Underground Mining of Mineral Resources", graduated with distinction in 1996. Held positions: underground worker of stoping face in the "Zarichna" mine JC "Lvivvuhillia"(1991), graduate student (1996-1999), assistant (1999-2002), vice-director of the Centre of the Ukrainian Polish Cooperation (2001 - 2004); director of the Centre of the Ukrainian Polish Cooperation (from 2004 up to date) senior lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining (2002 -2005) associate professor of the Department of Underground Mining (from 2005 up to 2013), professor of the Department of Underground Mining (from 2013 up to date), head of the Department of Science & Research (from 2011 up to date) at the National Mining University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine).

     He make lectures, practical and laboratory trainings in disciplines: "Mining Design", "Mechanized Complexes", "Modeling of Productive Processes". Also Roman Dychkovskyi is the promoter of diploma and PhD works. Under his supervision was protected the one Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD).

     During resent 5 years he had published nearly 70 scientific publications. Also he is the member redaction commission of 4 international journals and magazines: "Bulletin of National Mining University", "Suitable Development", "Mining of Deposits" and "Wiadomości Górnicze". Roman Dychkovskyi passed Master’s Course of International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP) and get master's degree diploma of engineering pedagogic. Also he was the participant of International Visitor Leadership Program of US Department, State Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. In he had protected the Doctor engineering sciences thesis: "Scientific Principles of Technologies Combination for Coal Mining in Weakly Metamorphosed Rockmass".

     Roman Dychkovskyi is the vice-head of the Specialized Council of the National Mining University on specialty: «Underground mining of mineral resources»

     Main scientific activity:

-  mining the thin and very thin coal seams, including reserves with different structural changes;

-  technology of underground coal gasification;

-  simulation the mining processes and other problems related to mining activity.

     His scientific work is well known in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Germany and other countries. He is the author of 147 publications (7 monographs, 113 scientific publications in professional editions of Ukraine, international journals and materials of conferences, 7 scientifically methodical works, and 20 patents).

     The proposed by R. Dychkovskyi measures were implemented in technological projects of highly mechanized coal extraction systems and method of borehole underground gasification in Western Donbass mines, Lviv-Volyn coal basin and in Poland (research mine "Barbara"). He was leader and executive leader of 10 budgetary,

7 economic and 5 international projects.

  Contacts: 19 Yavornytskoho Ave., building 4, room 34